S.E.A.L. Risk
You will probably already know a lot about Risk Management, but it is worth looking at some definitions to introduce this topic:
A risk is something that has not occurred yet and if it does, it will have an adverse impact on your business / your ability to achieve your objectives.
An opportunity is something that has not occurred yet and if it does, it will have a positive impact on your business / your ability to achieve your objectives.
It is easy to overlook the point that risk and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. The aim of effective Risk Management is to maximise the impact of opportunities whilst minimising the impact of risks. It is not possible to remove all risk from any aspect of business; if we tried, we would also eliminate all the opportunities and the business would not survive.
We can help you to develop and implement the most effective Risk Management programme for your organisation. Click to find out more about our Risk Management Services.